Arizona Document Database

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is the "Arizona Document Database"?

The Arizona Document Database is a private website whose sole purpose is to benefit consumers and injured persons. In particular, the Arizona Document Database offers a collection of documentation intended to assist Arizona plaintiffs' attorneys.

While the database is constantly growing, it currently includes a huge volume of depositions, motions, pleadings, letters, agreements, legal research and other documents obtained in discovery designed to assist plaintiffs' attorneys in preparing and prosecuting their cases. Thanks to the continued generosity and support of Arizona trial attorneys, we currently have more than 350,000 pages of data, including a large collection of more than 2,000 depositions from a growing list of 2,500 expert witnesses -- such as medical doctors, psychologists, neurophysiologists, biomechanical engineers, accident reconstructionists, civil engineers, construction experts, toxicologists and more.
2) Who operates this website?

This website is operated and controlled by Geoffrey M. Trachtenberg, P.C.
3) Should I call AzAJ to discuss my account?

No, AzAJ does not operate or control this website.
4) What documents are considered "acceptable"?

You may contribute any documents for consideration.

Generally speaking, an "acceptable document" is something other plaintiffs' attorneys could find useful -- so depositions of "professional expert witnesses" are preferred since they have a long shelf-life. In fact, a deposition of any "expert witness" is "acceptable" per se provided i) it is not already a part of the database and ii) the expert is neither retired nor dead.

Although we are happy to receive depositions of the usual "medical experts," any other expert depositions or discovery documents (such as income records, affidavits, etc., from professional expert witnesses) are also welcome. Indeed, sometimes documents are voluminous or are so valuable that they will warrant special consideration (such as a large collection of 1099's or DME reports). Submission of such documents will be duly noted and will result in an appropriate credit.

Note that submission of pleadings is also acceptable, but such documents take longer to review and are less likely to be accepted since we probably already have them and because they "go stale" fairly rapidly.

Please do not take offense if documents are not accepted or if only some are accepted. Typically, we will credit you for those documents that are accepted and give you the option to submit additional documents or make an adjusted payment.
5) Are there any documents that the database needs in particular?

6) How do I submit documents to the database?

We only accept documents via email to Geoffrey M. Trachtenberg.

Please indicate the nature of any depositions submitted (e.g., accident reconstruction, biomechanical, doctor, toxicologist, etc.).
7) Do I really have to wait to be "approved" until I can access the database?

8) How long is the wait?

In most cases, as soon as we receive your contribution, your account will be immediately activated.
9) How will I know when my account is active?

You will receive an email notification at the address you provided when you applied.
10) Is this website affiliated with AzAJ?

No. AzAJ does not own, control or operate this website and, while we choose to make membership in AzAJ a requirement for access to the database, membership in AzAJ does not entitle you to access the database.
11) Is it possible for the Initial or Continued Obligations to change?

Yes, all terms are subject to change at any time and without notice.
12) Is it okay to let my paralegal or assistant use my account?

Yes, but not your associate or partner.

Access is strictly limited to one account per attorney, and too many unique IP addresses (i.e., logins from different computers) will result in automatic account suspension. In addition, sharing login information will lead to permanent suspension for both you and your entire firm.